IMPORTANT: This club does not allow prostitution, escort service or drugs. Since it’s prohibited by the Luxemburg law.

• Pole dancing on stage ( topless), hostessing ( talking with customers and sell drinks ) and private dances ( no touching private dancing ).

• JOB for dancers.


• Sunday to Thursday: 22 pm to 6 am or 23 pm to 7 am – Friday & Saturday: 23 pm to 8 am. Once a week, the dancer work from 20 pm to 23 pm and from 1 am to 6 am (including a break between 23 pm and 1 am) . 1 or 2 days off per week, the manager arranges.


• The Dancer has a salary of €60 /day. More, the Dancer earns 20% tips from the drinks ( Prices between Cup 30€ to bottle 14000€ ),

20% from Table Dances ( one Table Dance costs €25, 4- 5 min. dance full nude, customers NOT ALLOWED to touch the Dancer)

If selling over €2500 /week, the Dancer gets 60 % from private dances.

The girls get 50% from Clubs Dollars ( one club Dollar costs €2 ).

The Club has also a restaurant, the Dancer can have dinner with champagne with Club customers and gets 20% commission. ( from caviar they get 20% commission )

All the money is paid at the end of the Contract. Advance money on request is possible any time when need it.


• Sexy clothes, dance shoes, boots accepted but not required. the dancer has to bring at least one elegant outfits. No vulgar clothes, specific stage costumes sexy nurse, (police, military, etc…) are welcome but not required.


• €3500 – €8000 per month, depending on individual experience.


• minimum of 18 years old of age.

• nice, slim body shape.

• English or German or French conversational knowledge.

• good communication skills, good self-confidence.

• ONLY dancers with experience and knowledge of pole dancing.


• The contract is a minimum 3 weeks up to 12 months.


• In the Clubs are working between 10 – 18 dancers.

• The upscale club, well situated in Luxembourg city, with rich customers, good money potential.

• Good and experienced management.


• After you’ve applied and been selected, you can start immediately if there is space available ( 2, 3 days to arrange the trip you need to send us the confirmation by sending us the plane ticket )

The work is legal with us, you will receive a Contract on your name with all conditions included, before leaving your country.


The club provides accommodation for the dancers, 120 euros per week which are taken off the salary.

There is a shared kitchen and a maximum 2 dancers per room!