If you’re thinking about to quit your boring office job and to make money with dancing around the world, here are some useful advice:   Have you ever been inside of a strip club? If not, maybe go check it out first. Choose the club or the agency that you want to work with very […]

Someone told me that we, strippers, are the gipsies of the modern world. And I must say I agree with that person. If you hear the word “gipsy” what other words come to your mind straight away? Let me help: Entertaining. Music. Dance. Travel. Bags. Free. Wild. Nomad. No agreement, no commitments. No rules. These […]

For many years I lived with the spiritual belief that money is energy, and it must flow, that not spending it can slowing down or even stopping the money circulation. I came up with a positive belief, and I spent easily thinking about ‘making space for a much enormous amount’. I was a carefree spender […]